My Resume
NAME: Darius Morgan Martin
DATE OF BIRTH: March 15, 1930
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bucarest, Romania
PROFESSION: Travel agent, tour operator, swashbuckler and writer.
Creation capacity and immediate execution, making a whole of the idea with the action.
Ability to convert the empirical into scientific methodology.
Comprehensive mink of reality in decision making.
Arming work teams, optimizing the skills and intelligences of each one.
Ability to evolve according to all kinds of changes
Graduated from the Mihai Viteazo High School, Bucharest, Romania.
University Studies in Arts et Métiers, Paris France.
Studies at the Conservatory of Bucharest for two years.
Studies at the Paris Conservatory for one year.
LANGUAGES: Romanian, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese
1948 Signs a contract with the Eriksson of Sweden to install telephone systems in several cities of Bolivia.
1949 Works with Siemens (Bolivia) in the installation of medical equipment in several hospitals.
1950/52 Owner and Manager of the Santa María tin mine in the city of Cochabamba.
1953/55 Explorer, hunter and rescuer of rubber and animal skins in the jungles of Beni
1955/57 Owner of the Commercial Company Marka Limited of San Pablo, Brazil.
1958/59 Founded the Travel and Tourism Agency Crillon Tours Ltda. In La Paz, marking a transcendental time for tourism in Bolivia as the growth and expansion of it are closely linked to the activities and promotions carried out by Darius Morgan.
1982 Founding agency Crillon Tours Enterprises Inc. in Miami, U. S.A.
1985 Creates the Hydrofoil service in Itaipu, Paraguay. Development in this area a tourist complex composed of a native village and an indigenous museum while both within the program of their Hydrofoils.
1986/92 Representative and international promoter of Crillon Tours S.A.
Creates the "South American Mini University", traveling as a tourism professor to four continents.
Within his cultural activities he writes and publishes seven books and articles.
Pioneer of modern tourism in Bolivia and tourist transport on Lake Titicaca, being the first to put the lake on the international tourist map.
Creator of the current tourist programs and places of tourist interest in La Paz and its surroundings.
First operator of photographic safaris in Bolivia.
Discoverer of the ruins of Kalauta on an island in Lake Titicaca.
First organizer of international conventions in Bolivia such as: VII South American Congress of Ophthalmology, XIV Pan-American Congress of tuberculosis, National Congress of Cancer, etc.
Creator and organizer of tourist programs for international events in La Paz such as ECLAC, ICCA, and the IX Period of the Annual Sessions of the Organization of American States (OAS).
In 1966, he brought to Bolivia (for Lake Titicaca) the first Hydrofoil to operate in altitude, receiving the No. 1 license of the Bolivian Merchant Navy.
Bring 3 Hydrofoils of the same model in the following years.
In 1976, he co-designs and builds the first Bolivian manufactured Hydrofoil, the "Arrow of Bolivia" which has shown a magnificent operation.
In 1977 he brought the "Flecha del Sol" aliscafo with a capacity of 70 passengers, from Messina, Italy.
In 1982 he built two Hydrofoils in Miami. They were certified by the U.S.A.
In 1985 he developed another tourist attraction in the area of the Iguazu Falls with two Paraguayan flag aliscafos.
In 1990 he built the "Inca Utama", the first five-star hotel on the shores of Lake Titicaca.
In 1991 he implemented the hotel with a cultural group considered as the first continental attraction.
In 1995 he opened the "Posada del Inca" on Isla del Sol for eco-tourism and adventure programs
In the hotel Inca Utama and together with his son, he opens a unique SPA "The Kallawaya Natural SPA" that offers a new method to treat the physical and psychic problems of our times. This is how Health Tourism begins in Bolivia.
Following the trends of international tourism has developed Ecotourism, Esoteric and Mystic programs, applauded in the international market.
Crillon Tours is associated with the tourist chain of South American Tours in Frankfurt, Germany.
Former shareholder of the company Destination Ameriques du Sud in Paris, France, which represents the most important operators in South America.
1. Founder Former President of the Bolivian Association of Travel and Tourism
Agencies ABAVYT.
2. Founder of the Official Tourism Organization of Bolivia as well as creator of the
basic scheme of work of the same.
3. Creator and first directory of the IBT "Instituto Boliviano de Turismo".
4. Former Assistant and Coordinator of the South American Tourism Organization
(SATO) in Bolivia.
5 . Former Director of COTAL (Confederation of Tourist Organizations of Latin
6. Ex-Treasurer of COTAL.
7. Ex-Coordinator and Representative of COTAL in Bolivia.
8. Delegate elected from COTAL to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
9. Founder of the South American Tourism Association (SATA) in Miami, Florida,
U.S.A. and first Executive Vice-President of the same.
10.Tourism counselor of several international organizations and companies.
1. Founder and Professor of Tourism at the School of Tourism Guides of La Paz.
2. Sponsor and professor of several Tourism courses.
3. Technical Adviser of the former National Directorate of Tourism of Bolivia.
4. Collaborator in the preparation of the National Tourism Law in Bolivia.
5. Creator of several tourism development projects such as:
5.1 Aliscafos Service Project in Lake Titicaca.
5.2 Project "Around the World" in Fomentor, Palma de Mallorca.
5.3 Project for an international smoker service in Lago Nahuel
Huapi, Argentina and in Todos Santos Lake, Chile.
5.4 Project for the development of Martin Garcia Island in Río de la Plata,
5.5 Development project for the Bay of Samaná, Dominican Republic.
5.6 The development of the area of San Blas and the Island of Taborga and
accountant in the Republic of Panama.
5.7 Creator of the project "El Pueblo Latino, a cultural complex that recalls the 500
years since the discovery of America. Since 1988 he is involved with
education in the guild. He has given seminars in Europe, the United States,
South Africa and Latin America. These seminars are designed to teach how
to create programs and market them in a more modern and efficient way.
These teaching programs are recognized worldwide. Many airlines and
tourist organizations such as Lufthansa, Air France, SAS, South African
Airways, VARIG, Aerolineas Argentinas LAB as well as South American
Tours, Ecrit and others used the techniques and methods of Darius Morgan
to train their employees and travel agents.
5.8 Finally, he was invited by the FIB 2015 to give a conference on Tourism
Development in La Paz Bolivia,
1. In 1966, decorated with the "Medal of Tourism" by the Bolivian Government.
2. In the same year, distinguished with the Diploma of "International Traveler" by the
Governor of the state of Arkansas, United States.
3. In 1969, distinguished by COTAL with the "Albatross" for the best tourism project
in South America.
4. In 1972, distinguished with the Decoration of ABOTUR (Bolivian Association of
5. In 1973, declared Illustrious Guest by the General Directorate of Tourism of
6. In 1973 he also received the Honor Diploma of the Ministry of Education and
Culture Bolivia and is distinguished by the National Anthropology Directorate of
the same country for the manufacture of the replica of RA II on the Island of
Suriqui, Lake Titicaca.
7. In 1977, he received a parchment from the Honorable Mayor of Copacabana for
the services rendered to the people of Bolivia and for the dissemination of their
8. In 1977, distinguished with the "First Place" plate by the best stand of Tour
Operators at the ASTA Congress in Madrid, Spain.
9. In 1983, he receives the "Pioneer" trophy awarded by AAVYT (Argentine
Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies), in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the
works of continental interest made in favor of tourism. This trophy was given for
the first and only time to ten of the most important personalities of the tourist
10.In July 1983 he received a Diploma and the appointed Advisor of the Travel
Association of Santa Cruz.
11.During the months of October and November 1988, for the first time the Bolivian
government awards four awards in open recognition to Darius Morgan for his
work on behalf of the country as follows:
Oct. 17 The Prefecture of La Paz grants the "Puerta del Sol" for its contributions
in the development of the Department.
Oct. 17 The Institute of Archeology awards him the "Puma de Oro" for his efforts
in spreading the Bolivian culture around the world.
Nov. 09 The Bolivian Institute of Tourism awards the "Golden Kantuta" for being
the creator and pioneer of modern tourism in Bolivia.
Nov. 09 Finally, the Chancellor of the Republic delivers on behalf of the President
of the Country, the highest decoration that the country grants to those who stand
out or perform works of great importance which is "The Condor of the Andes".
12.In 1990 he received, from the Prefect of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a diploma in
recognition of his promotional work in favor of the continent.
13.During the month of May 1992, Dinatur (The National Directorate of Tourism) of
Bolivia, awarded him a plaque in recognition of his educational work in the
tourism sector.
14.In 1997, distinguished by the municipality of the city of South Miami, with a
Certificate of Appreciation for Exceptional Services to the Community.
15.In 1997, distinguished by the municipality of the city of West Miami, with a
Certificate of Recognition for its great contribution to the World of Art.
16.In 2002. prize "Maya" to the best Travel and Tourism Agency "of Bolivia
17.In 2003 "Maya" award to the best Travel and Tourism Agency "of Bolivia
18.In 2004 "Maya" award to the best Travel and Tourism Agency "of Bolivia
19.In 2004, he was declared an "Illustrious Citizen" of the city of La Paz, by the
"Plaza Venezuela" chain.
20.In 21012 ITB turned 50 years old and on this occasion honored Darius Morgan
with the Golden Globe distinction for having attended 48 of its Fairs and for his
presentations on South America and Bolivia.
1. Publication of more than 200 tourist brochures about Bolivia.
2. Initiator of modern audiovisual systems in the promotion of Bolivia.
3. Sponsor, Director and Writer of "scripts" for several films and videos about Bolivia
such as: Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, a Forgotten Country, From sunrise to sunset in
the Sacred Lake etc ...
4. Publication of numerous articles on tourism in both local and international media.
5. Author of the book "First Study, Tourism Plan for Bolivia"
6. Composer of the first Bolivian folkloric ballet "Nina Eru Pacha" (Fuego Agua
7. Sponsor and participant for Bolivia in several presentations of South America in
Europe and the United States.
8. Cooperates in the manufacture and exhibition of the replica Raft Ra II on the
occasion of a conference of Mr. Norma Baker navigator of the famous expedition
that occurred in the city of Miami. This conference was sponsored by "Encounters
in Excellence, an organization that organizes cultural conferences at the
university level in the United States. Darius Morgan was appointed Cultural
Counselor of this city.
9. In 1983 he published his first bilingual book of poetry (Spanish and English)
entitled "Bouquet de Pensamientos".
10.1989 publishes another book of poetry and prose under the title of "Estrofas de
11. In 1989 he published the third book of poetry entitled "Poemas en La Menor".
12. In 1992 he published the fourth book of poetry entitled "Atardecer".
13. In this same year he publishes the book "Yes ... .. Always Bolivia" about the
tourist events of this country.
14. Subsequently publishes the book "Green Horizons", an ecological warning
message about the world's pollution problems and their possible solutions. Today
finally, the world agreed to reduce pollution to try to save the environment.
15. Make a compendium of Tourism, analysis and proposals
16. Advises the tourism sector of Santa Cruz, preparing a Tourism Start-up plan.
17. Prepare an analysis and proposal for the Tourism of Bolivia, delivered in New
York to S.E. Carlos Mesa
18. He is currently preparing a book on the political problems of the international
community and another on the dreams and frustrations of the European peoples
between the two world wars.
19. In 2007 he published his Biography entitled "On the tracks of my destiny" and at
the present write comments and analysis on the various problems that affect the
world and especially South America.